
FINISH by Robin

These were taken in the last few months of grade twelve on a roll of expired film. 
boo ya 

spring sunset from my ever present window

Me and Victoria

Victoria, Caprice, Kira, and Gabi enjoying the sun in early spring

Katherine read us a story she wrote for class at lunch one day

Laura and Molly

 Last day of grade twelve: 
molly at highpark!!! 

Victoria and another performer at her circus show we went to on the last day.

Climbing and climbing other peoples fire escapes drunk

Gabi in the sky 

down bellow



Summer sunset over greenwood park

spotted on the island ferry

prom night golden building sunrise

 These last two photos are from our end of year camping trip. more to come!


Look Around Ya by Robin

Some photos from the winter months
allen garderns with my lovely friend zoe and some other ones as well.




waiting for the bus

what a queen she earned her crown of leaves

what's so funny?